The Blog

My first mantra.

I happened upon the power of mantras accidentally.

After college, I was struggling with my weight and self esteem and like lightning an idea struck me and I began to tell myself:

I am beautiful exactly as I am.

I didn’t feel it at the time.

I didn’t believe it.

But I chose to tell myself those words anyway.

Over and over and over again.

It took a bit but eventually, it became ingrained in my thoughts.

My thoughts had formed a belief.

And that belief began to create a ripple effect across all areas of my life.

It was a form of radical acceptance and a rejection of perfectionism.

Do I have to continue to tell myself this?


Because there is sooooo much out there trying to take us down a peg that we have to actively work against that.

Some days it’s easy.

Some days it takes workkkkkkkkkk.

But, the point is, if you keep showing up for your self and developing a radical form of acceptance for who you are in each imperfect moment, you will make decisions that align with your beliefs.

Choose wisely because what you believe is what you become.

And who you become is supported by who you surround yourself with.

Choose to surround yourself with people who build you up and accept you.

And choose to be someone who builds up and accept those around you.

By giving and receiving, you will inject yourself with self esteem and self worth.

Which, ultimately injects self esteem and self worth into your children.

And, this is the greatest gift.

Now, go look in the mirror, hot mama, and tell yourself:

I am beautiful exactly as I am.

Then, repeat it.

Over and over and over again.

Until you believe it with every cell of your body.

And then keep repeating it over and over.

For the rest of your life.

Because the truth is,

You are beautifully exactly as you are.

It’s your turn to believe it.

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