The Blog

Have you ever heard of Primary Food?

Primary Food is the “food” that feeds you.

Physical Health

Mental Health

Emotional Health




Home Environment


Time/Energy Management

While Secondary Food is the actual food you put in your body.

If any aspect of your Primary Food is out-of-whack or out of alignment, your Secondary Food will suffer.

If you’ve been struggling to hit a goal or your sluggish throughout the day or your clothes fit perfectly but you feel blah, then your Primary Food needs to be addressed.

Taking stock of your Primary Food and making small, incremental upgrades is crucial for long term success with weight loss, weight maintenance, energy management and overall well being.

So, where do you begin?


Your outer world is an expression of your inner world.

If you want to jumpstart change, start on the outside.

Pick a drawer and declutter it.

Clean out your purse.

Donate that bag of clothes that’s been sitting there for too long.

Clean out old food in your pantry.

Donate clothes that you don’t like anymore, don’t fit anymore or you’re holding onto out of guilt.

Then, keep going.

Take a breather every now and again but keep moving.

The clutter will keep finding it’s way into your home, car, office, whatever.

You have to consciously declutter it.

Over and over and over again.

While I know this may seem daunting at times, it’s liberating.

When you get into a habit of consciously and consistently letting go of what no longer serves you, you free up precious energy to better enjoy your life.

And, that hot mama, is where the change really begins.

Now, go pick a spot to declutter and let that ish go!

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