The Blog

Eat, drink & be merry for real.

One of my favorite times of year.

The holidays are full of food, parties, fun and STRESS.

What’s not to love?

In line with the holiday spirit, here are a few reminders to keep your spirits high and stress low:


A happy, healthy, vibrant mom is the best gift you can give your family and loved ones. 

Determine your level of effort and ease this year and then stick to it.

Try not to overthink and overdo it.

Easier said than done, I know. But when it’s all said and done, you’ll be happy to have juice in the tank to enjoy the holidays.


Stress triggers a hormonal response that leads to craving alllll the things that exacerbate stress itself; ie – sweets, empty carbs and alcohol. It’s a vicious cycle.

When you’re meal planning or partying, go heavy on the veggies.

Make veggie sides that look and taste good. Don’t skimp on the butter or olive oil and seasoning.

Start with a simple salad and your favorite dressing.

Sample the veggie platters at the parties that keep getting skipped over. And don’t forget the dip.

Remember: carrots with ranch are better than no carrots at all. And many nutrients in vegetables require fat for your body to process them properly so no need to skip or skimp on the dressings or the dips when in proportion to the veggies.

  1. REST

In line with keeping it simple, schedule time to rest.

Spending time to deliberately be horizontal is life changing.

It doesn’t need to be long or elaborate, just deliberate.

If you want to take it up a notch, put on a short meditation or relaxing music. 

Just take a few minutes here and there each day to put your feet up, literally.

Remember, all the little bits add.

Do what you can in the moment and keep showing up for yourself.

You won’t regret it, nor will your loved ones!

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